Reaching Portugal


to stretch out an arm in order to touch or grasp something


 Portugal is a country saturated with religion yet lacking in hope. Our desire is to reach the Portuguese with the hope that is found in Jesus Christ, freeing them from the bondage of religion and tradition.

Mark 7:6-8

… ‘This people honors Me with their lips,
But their heart is far away from Me.
And in vain do they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’
Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men.


Our Passion

Simply put, we want to get the gospel into the hands and ears of the Portuguese people. For too many years, the people within this country have been told what to believe, never having been invited to investigate the Bible for themselves. And because of the culture,

Our Team

We are the Hodges (Brandon, Tiffany, Zeke, Zoey, Ziya and Zans), and we’ve been living in Portugal since 2013. We are excited that our dear friends Arbab, Leesa, Enzo, and Mika Khan joined us in our ministry in 2021.

House Church

Our definition of church comes from the greek word, Εκκλησία, which simply means “an assembly” or “people gathered together”. There’s really no clear instance of Εκκλησία being used for a place of meeting or worship. Therefore, all the Christians in a particular city,


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