“They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
Our definition of church comes from the greek word, Εκκλησία, which simply means “an assembly” or “people gathered together.” There’s really no clear instance of Εκκλησία being used for a place of meeting or worship. Therefore, all the Christians in a particular city, whether they assembled together in one place or in several different places for religious worship, were an Εκκλησία.
Our focus is not on a building, religion, or tradition. Instead, our focus is on Jesus, faith, and love. We started House Church as a means to invite people to open up the Word of God, investigating it for themselves, so that they too might come to find their hope in Jesus Christ. Because the the restrictions with Covid, House Church can not meet in person right now. So, we are seeking online meetings for weekly fellowship, prayer, Bible Study, and more.
Our Beliefs
To our knowledge, House Church is the first and only Protestant church in Vila do Conde. Not wanting to start an American church or bring denominational boundaries to Portugal, House Church is nondenominational. With that being said, we do affirm and teach “THE 2000 BAPTIST FAITH & MESSAGE” as our doctrine.